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姓名: 白炅翰

国籍: 韩国


专业: 语言文化









金晓骏,男,韩国人,现为韩国汉阳大学分子生命学科教授,博士生导师,1990年日本Osaka 大学药学博士毕业,曾为麻省理工学院癌症研究中心博士后,主要研究方向为生化学,药学,新一代疫苗研究, 主要教授中间代谢论,免疫学等学科。


1) “An apolipoprotein B100 mimotope prevents obesity in mice.“ Clin. Sci., 130:105-116 (2016)

2) “HIF-1α expression as a protective strategy of HepG2 cells against fatty acid-induced toxicity“ J. Cellular Biochemistry,115: 1147-1158 (2014)

3) "The DUSP26 phosphatase activator adenylate kinase 2 regulates FADD phosphorylation and cell growth" Nat. Commun.5:3351, doi:10.1038/ncomms 4351 (2014)

4) "Differential expression of adenylate kinase 4 in the context of disparate stress response strategies of HEK293 and HepG2 cells" Archives of Biochemistry & Biophysics, 533 11-17 (2013)

蔡英奎,男,韩国人,现为韩国汉阳大学分子生命学科教授,教授,博导,1987年Texas Tech University理学博士毕业,2001-2006任汉阳大学微生物研究中心副所长,2011 至现在任SRC 表现遗传学研究中心所长。主要进行影响调节干细胞或微细胞分化和反应的基因整体性研究。曾发表SCI/SCIE 论文60篇。

杨哲洙,男,韩国人,现为韩国汉阳学分子生命学科教授,2008 韩国忠南大学微生物学医学博士毕业,专业为感染和分子细胞免疫学,2008-2009任韩国忠南大学微生物学助教,2009-2012University of Southern California, Keck School of Medicine 博士后,2012-2013忠南大学医学研究中心全职研究员。 主要研究分子细胞免疫学,免疫治疗技术开发,主要教授一般生物学,微生物学,病理微生物学。


1) Autophagy Protein Rubicon Mediates Phagocytic NADPH Oxidase Activation in Response to Microbial Infection or TLR Stimulation. Cell Host & Microbe. 2012 Mar 15;11(3):264-76

2) The AMPK-PPARGC1A pathway is required for antimicrobial host defense through activation of autophagy. Autophagy. 2014 May 1;10(5):785-802.

3) Small heterodimer partner interacts with NLRP3 and negatively regulates activation of the NLRP3 inflammasome. Nat Commun. 2015 Feb 6;6:6115.



1) Jeon, J., Kim, W., et. al. (2016) Gene therapy by proteasome activator PA28γ, improves motor coordination and proteasome function in Huntington;s disease YAC128 mice. Neuroscience., 324:20-28.

2) Seo, H., Hong, C., et. al. (2015) Increased TRPC5 glutathionylation contributes to striatal neuron loss in Huntington’s disease. Brain., 138(Pt 10):3030-47.

3) Kim, D., Jeon, J., et. al. (2015) Neuroanatomical Visualization of the impaired Striatal Connectivity in Huntington’s Disease Mouse Model. Mol Neurobiol., 53(4):2276-86.

4) Noh, H., et. al. (2014) Prediction of miRNA-mRNA associations in Alzheimer’s disease mice using network topology. BMC Genomics., 15:644.

5) Noh, H., and Seo, H. (2014) Age-dependent effects of valproic acid in Alzheimer's disease (AD) mice are associated with nerve growth factor (NGF) regulation. Neuroscience., 266:255-65.

6) Kim, W., and Seo, H. (2013) Baclofen, a GABAB receptor agonist, enhances ubiquitin-proteasome system functioning and neuronal survival in Huntington's disease model mice. Biochem Biophys Res Commun., 443(2):706-11.

7) Cooper, O., Seo, H., et al. (2012) Pharmacological Rescue of Mitochondrial Deficits in iPSC-Derived Neural Cells from Patients with Familial Parkinson's Disease. Sci Transl Med., 4;4(141):141ra90.

8) Seo, H., and Isacson, O. (2010) The hAPP-YAC transgenic model has elevated UPS activity in the frontal cortex similar to Alzheimer’s disease and Down’s syndrome. J Neurochem., 114: 1819-26.

9) Seo, H., et. al. (2008) Compensatory changes in the ubiquitin-proteasome system, BDNF and mitochondrial complex Ⅱ/Ⅲ in YAC72 and R6/2 transgenic mice partially model Huntington’s disease (HD) patients. Hum Mol Genet., 17: 3144-53.

10) Seo, H., et. al. (2007) Proteasome activator enhances survival of Huntington’s disease neuronal model cells. PLoS ONE., 2: e238.

11) Chung, C. Y., Seo, H., et. al. (2005) Cell type specific gene expression of mid brain dopaminergic neurons reveals molecules involved in their vulnerability and protection. Hum Mol Genet., 14: 1709-25.

12) Seo, H., and Isacson, O. (2005) Abnormal APP, cholinergic and cognitive function in Ts65Dn Down’s model mice. Exp. Neurol., 193: 469-80.

13) Seo, H., et. al. (2004) Generalized brain and skin proteasome inhibition in Huntington’s disease. Annals Neurol., 56: 319-28.

郑一烨,男,韩国人,现为韩国汉阳大学分子生命学科教授,1981首尔大学理学学士毕业,1983 KAIST理学硕士毕业,1992阿拉巴马大学理学博士毕业,曾为美国国家健康研究院博士后,主要研究白血病,哮喘生理研究、基因表现研究,主要教授一般生物学,分子生物学,基因表现等科目。


1)"Olig2 is expressed late in human eosinophil development and controls Siglec-8 expression" J. Leukoc. Biol. [Epub ahead of print] (2016).

2)"Aspirin induces IL-4 production: augmented IL-4 production in aspirin-exacerbated respiratory disease." Exp. Mol. Med. 48:e202 (2016).

3)"S100A8, S100A9 and S100A12 activate airway epithelial cells to produce MUC5AC via extracellular signal-regulated kinase and nuclear factor-κB pathways." Immunology 144:79-90 (2015).

Bert Binas,男,德国人,现为韩国汉阳大学分子生命学科教授,1987东德科学院博士毕业,2008-现在为汉阳大学分子生物学科教授。主要研究干细胞生物学、发展生物学,主要教授一般生物学,发展生物学,信号传达等科目。


1)Martin G, Danneberg H, Kumar L, Atshaves B, Erol E, Bader M, Schroeder F, Binas B. Journal of Biological Chemistry 278(24):21429-21438, 2003.

2)Erol E, Kumar LS, Cline GW, Shulman GI, Kelly DP, Binas B. FASEB Journal 18(2):347-349, 2004.

3)Debeb B, Galat V, Epple-Farmer J, Iannaccone S, Woodward W, Bader M, Iannaccone P, Binas B. PLoS One 4(9):e7216, 2009.


卢三荣,韩国人,韩国汉阳大学建筑工程系教授,硕士生导师,2001年毕业于德国亚琛工业大学(RWTH),获工学博士学位,主要研究方向是the theory and analysis Shell Structure、Numerical modeling of structural material、Nonlinear Finite Element Analysis Method等领域。主要担任课程有:矩阵结构分析、有限元素法、板壳理论等。

太星镐,韩国人,韩国汉阳大学建筑学工程系教授,硕士生导师,日本东京大学研究生院建筑学专业博士毕业,研究方向是环保建筑材料开发、钢筋混凝土结构的环保耐久性设计系统的开发等。曾担任国际可持续发展委员会理事、韩国环境产业技术院碳素标认证专门委员等职务,现任韩国汉阳大学subest lab学科带头人。



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